Extreme Seabird Migrations

  Flyways are ancient aerial highways all migrating land and shore birds use globally to move between overwintering and breeding locations every year.  There are eight major flyways over land around the globe. But did you know that over the high seas, there are also Marine Flyways? Seabirds like petrels, albatross and terns are pelagic birds […]

BirdNote: How Can We Protect Birds From Plastic?

Plastics are everywhere – on our beaches, in the water, large pieces, microplastics — you name it. There is so much plastic waste that it is having a serious negative effect on wildlife both in the ocean and on its shores. Birds are very susceptible to plastic problems through entanglement or ingestion. In this 30 minute fascinating […]

It’s a Wonderful Life: Wisdom Albatross at 70

Have a birthday looming? Perhaps you just celebrated one and started feeling a little out of it? Not to make comparisons, but the world’s oldest known bird just turned 70 (well, at least 70)….and she has laid an egg and is about to become a mom yet again. To us, albatross are extreme – they spend a couple […]

Home Sweet Home – Critically Endangered Bermuda Petrels Return to Nest!

Even now, some birds are thinking about nesting. This affectionate Bermuda Petrel pair who has been using this same burrow since 2009 has returned again this year to start a family! But this is not your typical breeding pair of birds. These birds are critically endangered – in fact although once numerous, they were thought to […]

Nestcam Update

Guillemot Chicks screenshot – courtesy Audubon/Explore By now, most raptor chicks have fledged.  But now there are some other nests and burrows that are very active:   In a manner befitting a Guillemot, both eggs hatched in the Guillemot burrow  on International  Guillemot Appreciation Day!  Do not miss watching these two adorable, black, amazingly active and fluffy little chicks! […]

New Nestcams and Updates!

California Condor Chick – courtesy Ventana Wildlilfe Society This has been a busy month — some birds we have been following have fledged, others are still in the nest about to burst out on their own.  NEW this month is a great view of a California Condor nest in Big Sur, which is home to an active and fluffy chick […]

Lots of Nestcams!

Fluffy Bermuda Petrel chick, courtesy Cornell Lab It’s the season for nestcams!  What can you see now? Travel the globe to see eagles, owls, hummingbirds, peregrines!  Plus get updates on albatross and petrel nests (including this Bermuda Petrel pictured here) we have been following. All just waiting for you to click their cam link!   […]

Nestcam: Northern Royal Albatross in New Zealand

Year round, its nesting season somewhere!  Right now our focus is on Northern Royal Albatross Cornell/NZ Dept. of Conservation Nestcam birds “down under”, and  we have the privilege to see the intimate but brief land-life of the largest seabird in the world — a Northern Royal Albatross pair in Taiaroa Head, New Zealand — with a most spectacular view via […]

Nature Books To Give and Receive

Nature Books To Give and Receive Gift yourself, family or friends some books about birds and nature.  Below are several titles we really enjoyed and think you might like to include on your gift list: Winter World: The Ingenuity of Animal Survival – Award-winning author and biologist, Bernd Heinrich offers detailed insights into how birds and other wildlife […]

IN THE NEWS: Wisdom the Albatross Lays Another Egg!

  Wisdom and her mate/Photo Credit: USFWS Wisdom, a Laysan Albatross, banded as an adult over 60 yearsago in 1956, is known to be at least 68 years old, making her the oldest known living bird. But what is even more remarkable is that Wisdom is still successfully laying eggs and hatching chicks – and at a rate that […]

Year of the Bird — In April, Birds Need Your Help

The Year of the Bird in April – Birds Need Your Help 2018 is the Year of the Bird, and in April, birds really need your help!  The Year of the Bird celebrates the 100th anniversary of signing into law the Migratory Bird Treaty Act which has protected billions of birds on migration – from Peregrine Falcons to Magnolia Warblers, […]