
Nature sounds are our business. At Wildtones, stream relaxing sounds of nature with bird calls, thunderstorms, tranquil streams, spring peepers and deep forest sounds as soothing background sounds, white noise, for meditation and sleep. Travel the natural world with streaming and ambient nature sounds from rainforests to savannahs to create a calming atmosphere. You can also find over 100 of the best bird song, wild animal call and nature ringtones, alerts and alarms for your iPhone and Android.  Search our extensive catalogue to find your favorite bird and animal calls for the perfect stand-out ringtone, cool alert or message sound, and wake up to alarm sounds from nature to start your day in a better place.

iPhone Ringtones See all

For iPhone ringtones, shop our catalog from your iPhone or iPad as we link directly to the tone in iTunes.  Pre-formatted iPhone ringtones are only available for purchase through iTunes and while using your iPhone.  If viewing from a computer, choose the ringtones you want, then visit our site from your iPhone to buy and download. Our iPhone Ringtones are pre-formatted to automatically appear in your iPhone’s “Sounds” folder to be assigned as ringtones, alerts or alarms.

Brown-headed Cowbird Bird Call iPhone Ringtone
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Eastern Towhee Bird Call iPhone Ringtone
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If you hear "drink your teeeeaaa" coming from a field edge or a scrubby area, you are hearing the call of one of North America's largest and most beautiful sparrows. The Eastern towhee doent look at all like a sparrow - colorful and plump - but they exhibit sparrow behavior like scratching on the ground in leaf litter for fruits, nuts and insects. If you live in the Eastern US, when its warm you may find an Eastern towhee coming out of the dense brush to get to the cracked corn at your feeder.
American Woodcock Bird Call iPhone Ringtone
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Also known as a "Timberdoodle", this superbly camouflaged snipe-like bird has a football-shaped body, small head, and a very long beak. Unlike other shorebirds, Woodcocks feed in young forests where their camouflage coloring makes them difficult to see hidden in the leaf litter. They take slow steps, using their long, flexible beaks to probe the soil for their favorite food, earthworms. Their eyes are positioned on the sides of their head, but very far back and up high, making it possible for them to feed with their heads down while keeping watch for predators above. Woodcocks are known for their special buzzy "peent" sound, which the males make when they are doing aerial displays for females.  For such bulky, quiet, and unassuming birds, their mating displays at dusk and dawn are something special to see, and the easiest way to see them.   
Canada Goose iPhone Ringtone
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As you can hear in this ringtone, with the deepest of all goose voices, the Canada Goose has a distinctive look and is found all over North America, the UK and Northern Europe. Some birds stay in one place all year (like your local golf course maybe?) and some migrate between breeding grounds and wintering areas. Birds who are not breeding often go to a safe northerly place to molt.
Rooster Crowing iPhone Ringtone
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Nothing like a rooster ringtone to wake up the neighbors. In free-roaming flocks, he's the one who guards the hens and oversees the complex social relationships of the flock. Clearly something to crow about!
Great Tailed Grackle Bird Call iPhone Ringtone
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Android Ringtones See all

For Android and other smartphones, you can shop directly from our website, from your mobile phone or from a computer or other device to buy and  download our bird and animal call tracks.  The link will take you to one of our nature sounds albums, and you can purchase the sound track you want from the list.  We recommend getting a free app, like Ringtone Creator, which will do the work for you to create the ringtone, alert or alarm, and put it on your phone. 

American Goldfinch
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Carolina Wren Bird Call and Song
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It's very difficult to keep these little wrens quiet! Unlike other wrens, Carolina Wrens like to sing very loudly, and they sing a lot -- one captive male sang 3000 times in one day! They spend the majority of their time hopping very quickly on the ground
Scarlet Tanager
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Spring Peepers
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Spring Peepers are small, brownish frogs with a mark on their backs that resembles a cross. They can be found far north, where they hibernate through freezing temperatures in the winter.
Red-breasted Nuthatch
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Eastern Screech Owl
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The Eastern Screech Owl has a variety of calls. The most well-known sounds like a ghostly horse winny. The Eastern Screech owl comes in two color morphs, with the red color morph being much less common than the grey.