BirdCams Now

  Lots of updates and some new chicks! Atlantic Puffin – Seal Island, Maine – Check out this adorable Puffling! Northern Royal Albatross – New Zealand – the chick who hatched on January 30 is hanging out waiting for mom or dad to come back from days of fishing for a meal. West End Bald Eagles – Catalina, CA […]

BirdCams Now

It’s a great time to be watching birds nest and go about their business. Check out some of these birdcams from the US, Panama, Bermuda, South Africa and New Zealand. There are plenty of birds around the world to keep you busy! Bermuda Petrel – Nonsuch Island, Bermuda – The cahow pair has their one […]

BirdCams Now

Some of the chicks we have been following have fledged, some are just learning to fly now. Take a look at your favorites and watch some of the bigger birds as they grow up to near adult size and start flying. Northern Royal Albatross – New Zealand – Our fluffy chick is getting bigger! Two […]

BirdCams Now

  In North America, the nesting season may be mostly over, but there are still birds to be seen! There are Lesser Flamingos breeding in South Africa, and some fun opportunities to see birds during migration and at our favorite Panama feeder. Enjoy! Mississippi River Flyway Cam – Brice Prairie, WI – Watch as thousands […]