
Nature sounds are our business. At Wildtones, stream relaxing sounds of nature with bird calls, thunderstorms, tranquil streams, spring peepers and deep forest sounds as soothing background sounds, white noise, for meditation and sleep. Travel the natural world with streaming and ambient nature sounds from rainforests to savannahs to create a calming atmosphere. You can also find over 100 of the best bird song, wild animal call and nature ringtones, alerts and alarms for your iPhone and Android.  Search our extensive catalogue to find your favorite bird and animal calls for the perfect stand-out ringtone, cool alert or message sound, and wake up to alarm sounds from nature to start your day in a better place.

iPhone Ringtones See all

For iPhone ringtones, shop our catalog from your iPhone or iPad as we link directly to the tone in iTunes.  Pre-formatted iPhone ringtones are only available for purchase through iTunes and while using your iPhone.  If viewing from a computer, choose the ringtones you want, then visit our site from your iPhone to buy and download. Our iPhone Ringtones are pre-formatted to automatically appear in your iPhone’s “Sounds” folder to be assigned as ringtones, alerts or alarms.

Song Sparrow Call iPhone Ringtone
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Found in backyards across the US and Canada, this songbird has a delightful and unique song. This mostly monogamous sparrow has a mating ritual where the male pounces near the female to get her attention. While they can live to over 11 years, most wild sparrows do not see even their first birthday. But, those song sparrows who do live through the winter, continue to delight us year after year with their beautiful songs. Capture the song sparrow's tune as a ringtone for your cellphone.
Chimney Swift Bird Call iPhone Ringtone
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Mallard Duck Quacking iPhone Ringtone
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The Mallard duck is found in freshwater lakes and streams all across North America. This male has the gorgeous green iridescent head for which Mallards are known. The females are much less flashy and their brown feathers blend in well as they incubate the eggs and care for their ducklings. This mallard duck quack ringtone makes a great message alert.
Bull Elk Wild Animal Call iPhone Ringtone
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Greater Prairie Chicken Bird Call iPhone Ringtone
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American Woodcock Bird Call iPhone Ringtone
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Also known as a "Timberdoodle", this superbly camouflaged snipe-like bird has a football-shaped body, small head, and a very long beak. Unlike other shorebirds, Woodcocks feed in young forests where their camouflage coloring makes them difficult to see hidden in the leaf litter. They take slow steps, using their long, flexible beaks to probe the soil for their favorite food, earthworms. Their eyes are positioned on the sides of their head, but very far back and up high, making it possible for them to feed with their heads down while keeping watch for predators above. Woodcocks are known for their special buzzy "peent" sound, which the males make when they are doing aerial displays for females.  For such bulky, quiet, and unassuming birds, their mating displays at dusk and dawn are something special to see, and the easiest way to see them.   

Android Ringtones See all

For Android and other smartphones, you can shop directly from our website, from your mobile phone or from a computer or other device to buy and  download our bird and animal call tracks.  The link will take you to one of our nature sounds albums, and you can purchase the sound track you want from the list.  We recommend getting a free app, like Ringtone Creator, which will do the work for you to create the ringtone, alert or alarm, and put it on your phone. 

Sharp-shinned Hawk
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Cooper's Hawks are members of the genus Accipiter, sharing that genus with two other forest-loving hawks, the Northern Goshawk and the Sharp-shinned Hawk. Cooper's Hawks get their name from naturalist William Cooper, one of the founders of the New York Academy of Science. Homeowners with bird feeders may notice that their feeders have become a birdy buffet, not just for the birds eating the birdseed, but for the birds that like to eat feeder birds! Cooper's Hawks have learned to hang out near bird feeders and pick off the little birds that like to eat bird seed. This is why it is important to place bird feeders near cover, such as a bush or hedge, so that the little birds have a place to escape and hide from this quick and agile predator.
Coopers Hawk
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Cooper’s Hawks are hawks of the forest and are extremely agile predators.  They are members of the genus Accipiter, sharing that genus with two other hawks  -- Northern Goshawk and Sharp-shinned Hawk. Nests of Cooper’s Hawks will often be found in pine trees.  Built of sticks mainly by the male, they are a bit over two feet across with a depression in the middle for up to six eggs and chicks, and often lined with bark. Now of low concern, this is a big change from 50+ years ago when their population, like that of many other raptors, was hit very hard by hunting and the use of DDT. Homeowners with bird feeders may notice their feeders  become a birdy buffet for the birds that like to eat feeder birds. Cooper’s Hawks have learned to hang out near bird feeders and pick off the birds that show up to dine. It is important to place bird feeders near cover, such as a bush or hedge, so that the birds at your feeder have a place to escape and hide from this quick and agile predator.
Northern Harrier
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Northern Harriers are like a cross between a hawk and an owl; they normally hunt during the day, but have the round facial disc of an owl. This not only gives them the appearance of an owl, but also enables them to hunt by sound! This has given them their unique hunting style. Northern Harriers are often seen gliding low over a grassy field. All of the sudden you’ll see one drop down when it hears a prey item, such as a mouse, rustling in the grass. Harriers are also seen “stooping”, or diving straight down at prey like a falcon or buteo, or chasing down prey like an accipiter. Harriers really can do it all!  Keep an eye out for a low-flying hawk with a flat, round face. They also have a white rump patch and a deep “V” shape to their wings when gliding. Adult males are pale gray, earning them the additional nickname of “gray ghost”.
Tundra Swan
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Harris’ Hawk
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Purple Finch
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