Update on Moonbird and Ospreys

UPDATE on Moonbird and Ospreys
Great news on a few birds we have been following!

That superhero Red knot, B-95 has been seen in NJ and B95_red_knot Delaware gorging on horseshoe crab eggs again this season.  This marks over 20 years that scientists know he has been making an annual 18,600 mile journey roundtrip. Against all odds, B-95, aka Moonbird, continues to amaze and please his fans.  Welcome back, Moonbird – so happy to know you are here!

And, an update on our Ospreys. Due to hurricane Sandy, many Osprey platforms were destroyed or leaning.  Wildtones sponsored the building of a platform in NJ to replace one which was leaning a lot from the hurricane.  The new platform was built but there wasn’t time to get the old platform down before nest building started! osprey_nesting_platformsThe attraction to the old nest was too great this year, and with a little building on the new platform and some tidying on the old, the ospreys are happily nesting at an angle this year!